february change agent meeting
february 26 | 1 - 3:30pm
"Housing & Homeless Resources"
Presented by: Emily Kenney - Strategic Initiatives and Transformation Director, Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services
Housing is a key piece to health and stability, but is often challenging to find. This session will go through the 3 pieces to creating stable housing and will review different housing resources in Milwaukee County. We will end our session with a review of advocacy efforts happening through the Milwaukee County DHHS Strategic Plan.
No RSVP Required!
Presented by: Emily Kenney - Strategic Initiatives and Transformation Director, Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services
Housing is a key piece to health and stability, but is often challenging to find. This session will go through the 3 pieces to creating stable housing and will review different housing resources in Milwaukee County. We will end our session with a review of advocacy efforts happening through the Milwaukee County DHHS Strategic Plan.
No RSVP Required!
Welcome to the MC3!
Many people seeking behavioral health services have both mental health and substance abuse issues, as well as other complex needs. Our mission is to create a community system where the people seeking help engage in meaningful partnerships with the people providing help. Our goal is that every person and program in the MC3 will become welcoming, culturally intelligent, trauma-informed, recovery-oriented, and co-occurring capable.
what is mc3?
Our Challenge. Many people seeking behavioral health services have both mental health and substance abuse issues, as well as other complex needs.
Our Mission. To create a community system where the people seeking help engage in meaningful partnerships with the people providing help.
Our Goal. Every person and program in the MC3 will become welcoming, culturally intelligent, trauma-informed, recovery-oriented, and co-occuring capable.
What We Do.
Who We Are.
Our Mission. To create a community system where the people seeking help engage in meaningful partnerships with the people providing help.
Our Goal. Every person and program in the MC3 will become welcoming, culturally intelligent, trauma-informed, recovery-oriented, and co-occuring capable.
What We Do.
- Share diverse practices and perspectives by building partnerships among community agencies and other stakeholders.
- Empower all individuals within an organization to contribute to a culture of leadership.
- Provide technical assistance for Continuous Quality Improvement projects.
- Facilitate regular skill-building trainings and educational opportunities for those providing help.
- Improve the quality of life for the people we serve.
Who We Are.
- Mental health service providers
- Substance use service providers
- Other healthcare providers
- Current & former service recipients
- Advocates & families
- Private & public systems
- State & local administrators
- Hundreds of participants from dozens of organizations... and growing!
mc3 change agents
What are Change Agents?
Change Agents are what the participants of MC3 are called. It's who we are. Our Change Agent group consists of individuals receiving services, peer specialists, mental health and substance abuse providers, frontline clinicians, administrative staff, executive directors, and more.
What does a Change Agent do?
Change Agents understand and apply the general principle that making small improvements can have a large effect on their community. There are many things that a Change Agent can do to benefit a wide scope of people:
Change Agents also:
How do I become a Change Agent?
Attend one of our many Change Agent Meetings to begin interacting with MC3 stakeholders and principles! After just one workshop, you will interact with many different agencies in your area and discover opportunities to learn new techniques and tools to apply to your own practice or agency. Want more information? Contact Amy Moebius (414) 257-5413 or [email protected].
Change Agents are what the participants of MC3 are called. It's who we are. Our Change Agent group consists of individuals receiving services, peer specialists, mental health and substance abuse providers, frontline clinicians, administrative staff, executive directors, and more.
What does a Change Agent do?
Change Agents understand and apply the general principle that making small improvements can have a large effect on their community. There are many things that a Change Agent can do to benefit a wide scope of people:
- Improvements to the service delivery system
- Interactions and collaborations with other agencies
- Learning and adaptation of new practices and techniques to help people with complex needs
- Adjustments to accommodate the needs of colleagues and people receiving services in their organization
- And the list can go on...
Change Agents also:
- Attend Change Agent meetings, held 8 times per year
- Commit to using Change Agent tools to help change your their own agency
- Collaborate with other organizations in their community
How do I become a Change Agent?
Attend one of our many Change Agent Meetings to begin interacting with MC3 stakeholders and principles! After just one workshop, you will interact with many different agencies in your area and discover opportunities to learn new techniques and tools to apply to your own practice or agency. Want more information? Contact Amy Moebius (414) 257-5413 or [email protected].
MC3 VAlues
The MC3 values are the aspirational guiding principles of MC3 and are intended to help Milwaukee County develop into a recovery-oriented system of care. The word “Co-occurring” is not limited to mental illness and substance use, but rather can encompass the many complex dynamics that makes each person seeking help, an individual. The values should be incorporated with the broad sense of co-occurring without confines of a particular set of concerns. The term “help” is defined by each person’s needs and wants.
NOTE: Indicators and Assessments are not an exhaustive list, but rather suggestions on possible measurable outcomes and tools your agency can utilize. Some indicators and/or assessments may not be applicable to your particular agency/organization. Each agency is encouraged to identify and/or develop indicators and assessments that are most relevant to its purpose and mission.
Quality Improvement Process - a commitment to mc3 values
Commitment to MC3 Values implies a commitment to a Quality Improvement Process, which should include a Quality Improvement Plan designed to implement these values. Agencies can use the values and indicators as a tool to help drive their Quality Improvement (QI) project to determine positive changes that improve processes or outcomes. QI projects vary considerably in scope and duration, but one common framework used by Change Agents is the NIATx model.
Click here to learn more about NIATx and here to see these projects in action!
Click here to learn more about NIATx and here to see these projects in action!